He has shown glimmers of the "Hey, my wife is independent and I'm crazy about my daughter, and have never had any problem working for women, so there's no way I'm a sexist" brand of sexism, which is kind of a drag.
But, whatevs. The guy is funny and he is smart and he does make for a really prescient media critic.
But then today this lovely little nugget shows up:
Jayne: "Beyonce's such a lightweight. She's so desperate to be taken seriously." Chez: "(Groans) Where's Chris Brown when you need him?"
And, that's it: I'm out.
Deleted bookmark.
Moved on.
I mean, not so moved on that I'm not writing it down... but moved on nevertheless. And, so, to Chez of Deus Ex Malcontent, I can only say: Smell ya later, dude.