Many years ago, I went into work and a guy I worked with asked me, "Is your hair a different color today?"
"I don't think so," I said. "I used the same stuff I normally do."
But before I got to the end of the sentence, he and the other guy were already doing that laughing, pointing "gotcha" thing.
I think about that a lot. You may have no fucking idea how much work it is to overcome default mistrust; to walk around in a body that makes half the world (shit, more than half: internalized misogyny is a thing) assume you're a liar.
The most pernicious, insidious, everlasting misogyny is the deep, uninterrogated conviction that women lie and cannot be trusted. It rots away everywhere and feels likely to get us another four years of Trump.
...just in case you were wondering why Elizabeth Warren isn't running away with this thing.